As some of you might know because of my social media The Trocks are back and with that comes to travel under this new normal that at times it can be quite overwhalming. Let’s start by saying the feeling of freedom and relaxation is over even when days off come alone or a six hour plane ride is about to happen, it seems the brain is constantly working; mask on, social distance, longer waiting times, vaccine passport, etc… Don’t get me wrong I am all about security, rules and protocol but.. touring is already hard in some ways and this do not make it and easier.. maybe when you are Young and have no mental worries is ok but at certain ages it comes with a weird feeling quite opressed by the world.
Obviusly in terms of the Company protocols to keep the Company employed and running is the most important thing so, is sometimes sad because our fans love to meet us give a hug, take pictures and that’s is not longer an allowed Activity. I love my job and is not such a hustle to keep distance from Society but is hard when it comes to people that are in your live in a regular basis such us, Family, Close Friends and boyfriend.
Our stage manager is always on top of everything and of course this situation was not gonna be different we have quite a regurous testing schedule mixing PCR and Antígena tests through the entire travel itinerary mostly this means a for sure antígena test before a Rehearsal week, PCR test the day prior to travelling and antígena test before entering each vence we go to.
Some venles are more stricst than others but for a general rule no matter vaccination status mask should be worn at all times besides when we are in the actual stage. In general mask mandates do not bother me at all and I am all for it because i set it as a citizen duty but, the only moment sometimes it gets in my enerves is only in two ocassions; when I have my Makeup for the show on and aseo sitting back stage next to the Wings because is honestly one more thing to think about and is not the first time i have to go all the way back to my dressing room from wardrove because I forgot it or else.
Touting the world with The Trocks it has been an amazing experience because of all th different places we visit but with that it comes the adaptaron to each scenario. Is not a secret that opiniones about this pandemic are extremely divided around the world and that makes all of us to adjust to every city or country. So unfortunately our ‘fun’ gets cut short, we can and do still set out of the Hotels and explore, visit places but for example a friday night on a club in a major City is a no for me. Maybe with time things Will change but for now risky or not i do feel somehow unconfortable.
The Trocks unfortunately is a non profit ballet Company so with that comes the factor that NO SHOW=NO PAYMENT even if it gets canceled the day before which it means that no employee can set paid which it does makes it a hustle and even though i do have another part time job is a mínimum wage so… i Wish we tour all Year around as we used to. I always find the way to make it work but that doesn’t make it less stressfull. Maybe is too soon to tell but, it seems that we are making it work pretty well with only one case of postive back at the beggining of the USA tour in 2022 but we are all back and strong. I just hope that everything goes somehow smooth and nothing major happens. This is just the beggining of an Interesting Journey with a new normal but we Will set through it and so is every other Industry affected by this pandemic.